Friday, February 5, 2010

The Path To Self Realization Share

Who are you? This is a question human contemplated upon throughout centuries. Looked at the stars, something in the stars asked him who are you? He looked at the horizons he was asked the same question, who are you? He looked at the existence around him, he felt displaces, he felt lonely, he asked himself, who am I. He could see and feel a lot but he could not see himself. This was as if he was looking into a mirror and trying to touch what is reflecting on it but every time he reached for the mirror all he felt was a cold barrier. He wanted to feel, get close, understand but all he had from all that reflection was a cold feeling...

Then a sound reached him, it was saying, don't try to touch what you are seeing in the mirror by reaching to mirror but move your hand directly the opposite way and you will be able to touch it. The real thing is not in the mirror but it is opposite to it. This was confusing. He could clearly see himself in the mirror so all he had to do was to reach and run for what he sees, he would reach it but this sound was asking him something that did not make sense. He had to run in the opposite direction to what he is seeing.

Happiness, feeling good, well-being, good life look like they are in the material things we enjoy. They are clearly visible and experiencible as giving us pleasure. Things that we enjoy and have pleasure from look like the way to go. Just like what we see in the mirror looks like the direction we must reach to touch it. It is misleading. It is misplaced. Worldy things only makes one further away from himself. He is in the opposite direction to the world. The way to himself is not for example in gaining more wealth but it is in giving away. Giving from what he has makes him closer to his balance and happiness. Spiritual things are not in line with what ones desires, they are in opposite direction. Spiritual enlightenminet and understanding stands in opposite direction to ones visible desires and pleasures, they look like suffering but they hide the truth behind them and what look like good hides calamities behind them, here we are talking about spiritual calamities. This calamity keeps one away from his own soul which is his own essence, this is the calamity we are talking about.



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